7 Grants for PhD Students You Can Apply For


Pursuing a PhD is a monumental journey, one that requires not only a deep commitment to research but also a significant financial investment. While the intellectual rewards of a PhD are immeasurable, the financial challenges can be daunting. Fortunately, there are numerous grants available that can help alleviate the financial burden and allow you to focus on your academic endeavors. In this article, we will explore seven prestigious grants that you can apply for as a PhD student.

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Understanding PhD Grants

Before diving into the specific grants, it’s essential to understand what PhD grants are and why they are vital for many students.

What are PhD Grants?

PhD grants are financial awards provided to students who are pursuing doctoral studies. These grants are typically designed to cover various aspects of a student’s education, including tuition, research expenses, and sometimes living costs. Unlike loans, grants do not need to be repaid, making them a highly sought-after form of financial aid.

How PhD Grants Differ from Scholarships and Fellowships

While the terms “grant,” “scholarship,” and “fellowship” are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences. Grants are usually need-based and can be awarded by governments, universities, or private organizations. Scholarships, on the other hand, are often merit-based, while fellowships may be based on a combination of merit and need, and often come with additional responsibilities such as teaching or research assistantships.

Why You Should Consider Applying for a PhD Grant

The financial strain of a PhD program can be significant, and grants can play a crucial role in easing that burden. Here’s why you should consider applying:

Benefits of Receiving a Grant

Receiving a grant can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, allowing you to focus more on your research and less on financial concerns. Additionally, being awarded a prestigious grant can enhance your academic profile, making you a more attractive candidate for future opportunities in academia or industry.

How Grants Can Ease Financial Burdens

Grants can cover a wide range of expenses, including tuition, research materials, travel for conferences, and even living expenses in some cases. This financial support can be the difference between completing your PhD successfully and struggling to make ends meet.

The Top 7 PhD Grants You Can Apply For

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of the top seven grants available to PhD students.

Grant 1: The Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is one of the most well-known and prestigious grants available to PhD students, especially those looking to conduct research abroad.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

The Fulbright Program offers grants for research and study in over 140 countries. To be eligible, applicants must be U.S. citizens (or citizens of participating countries) and must propose a research project or course of study in a country where they have little to no experience living.

Application Process

The application process is rigorous, requiring a well-defined research proposal, letters of recommendation, and sometimes language proficiency tests. Applicants should start preparing well in advance of the deadline.

Benefits and Opportunities

In addition to funding, Fulbright scholars gain access to a global network of professionals and academics, enhancing their research and career prospects.

Grant 2: The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

The NSF GRFP is a prestigious grant awarded to students in STEM fields.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

This grant is open to U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Application Process

Applicants must submit a research proposal, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. The selection process is highly competitive, focusing on intellectual merit and the potential for broader impacts.

Benefits and Opportunities

Recipients receive a three-year annual stipend, tuition coverage, and opportunities for international research and professional development.

Grant 3: The Ford Foundation Fellowship Program

The Ford Foundation Fellowship Program is dedicated to increasing diversity in academia.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

This grant is open to U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level.

Application Process

Applicants must submit a personal statement, research proposal, and letters of recommendation. The selection process emphasizes the applicant’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Benefits and Opportunities

The Ford Foundation provides a stipend, tuition coverage, and access to a supportive academic community dedicated to diversity.

Grant 4: The Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a highly competitive grant for international students pursuing a PhD at the University of Cambridge.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

Open to non-U.K. citizens, this scholarship is awarded based on academic excellence, a commitment to improving the lives of others, and leadership potential.

Application Process

The application process includes a research proposal, personal statement, and interviews. Applicants must demonstrate how their research aligns with the mission of the Gates Foundation.

Benefits and Opportunities

Recipients receive full funding for their PhD, including tuition, living expenses, and travel costs.

Grant 5: The Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarship is another prestigious grant that supports international students at the University of Oxford.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

This grant is open to students from specific countries who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, leadership, and a commitment to public service.

Application Process

Applicants must submit a research proposal, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. The selection process is rigorous and includes interviews.

Benefits and Opportunities

The Rhodes Scholarship covers tuition, living expenses, and provides opportunities for leadership development.

Grant 6: The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF)

The SSRC IDRF supports PhD students conducting research on non-U.S. topics.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

This grant is open to PhD students in the humanities and social sciences. Applicants must propose a research project that requires significant time outside of the U.S.

Application Process

The application process includes a research proposal, letters of recommendation, and a detailed plan for conducting fieldwork.

Benefits and Opportunities

The IDRF provides funding for fieldwork, travel, and living expenses, allowing students to conduct in-depth research in their chosen field.

Grant 7: The AAUW International Fellowships

The AAUW International Fellowships support women pursuing graduate or postgraduate studies in the U.S.

Overview and Eligibility Criteria

This grant is open to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Applicants must demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to the advancement of women and girls.

Application Process

The application process includes a research proposal, academic transcripts, and letters of recommendation. Applicants must also demonstrate how their studies will benefit women and girls in their home country.

Benefits and Opportunities

The AAUW provides funding for tuition, living expenses, and travel costs, as well as opportunities for networking and professional development.

How to Increase Your Chances of Securing a PhD Grant

Securing a PhD grant can be highly competitive, but there are strategies you can employ to increase your chances.

Research the Grant Requirements Thoroughly

Before applying, make sure you understand the specific requirements of each grant. Tailor your application to meet those requirements and highlight how your research aligns with the grant’s objectives.

Tailor Your Application to the Specific Grant

Each grant has its own focus and criteria. Customize your research proposal and personal statement to reflect the goals of the grant, and emphasize how your work aligns with its mission.

Seek Guidance from Mentors and Advisors

Consult with your academic mentors and advisors throughout the application process. They can provide valuable feedback on your proposal and help you strengthen your application.

Highlight Your Research Experience and Academic Achievements

Your academic record and research experience are critical components of your application. Make sure to showcase your achievements and how they have prepared you for your PhD research.

Address Potential Weaknesses in Your Application

If you have any potential weaknesses in your application, such as a gap in your academic record or a lack of research experience, address them head-on. Explain how you have worked to overcome these challenges and how they have shaped your commitment to your research.

The Importance of Following Up

After submitting your application, follow up to confirm that it has been received and is being processed. This shows your commitment and attention to detail.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for PhD Grants

Avoiding common mistakes can significantly improve your chances of success.

Failing to Meet Eligibility Criteria

Before applying, carefully review the eligibility criteria for each grant. Ensure that you meet all the requirements before investing time in the application process.

Submitting a Generic Application

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in grant applications. Customize each application to the specific grant and highlight how your research aligns with the grant’s goals.

Missing Deadlines

Grant deadlines are strict, and missing one can disqualify you from consideration. Make sure to track deadlines and submit your application well in advance.

Overlooking Application Instructions

Each grant has specific instructions that must be followed precisely. Pay close attention to these details to avoid disqualification.

Ignoring Feedback from Previous Applications

If you have applied for grants in the past and received feedback, use it to improve your current application. Learning from past mistakes can increase your chances of success.


Securing a PhD grant can be a game-changer, providing the financial support needed to focus on your research and academic goals. The seven grants highlighted in this article offer valuable opportunities for PhD students across various fields and disciplines. By carefully preparing your application and avoiding common mistakes, you can increase your chances of receiving one of these prestigious awards. So, take the plunge, apply for these grants, and pave the way for a successful PhD journey.


What is the difference between a PhD grant and a PhD scholarship?

A PhD grant is typically need-based and does not need to be repaid, whereas a scholarship is usually merit-based and awarded for academic excellence. Scholarships might cover tuition or living expenses, while grants often have broader applications, including research expenses.

Can I apply for more than one PhD grant at the same time?

Yes, you can apply for multiple grants simultaneously. However, make sure to tailor each application to the specific grant and its criteria. Winning multiple grants is possible, but each application must be unique.

How competitive are PhD grants?

PhD grants are highly competitive, especially the prestigious ones. The competition level varies depending on the grant, the field of study, and the applicant pool. Strong research proposals, academic records, and well-crafted applications can improve your chances.

Do I need to repay a PhD grant?

No, PhD grants do not need to be repaid. They are financial awards meant to support your education and research without the obligation of repayment, unlike student loans.

What should I do if my grant application is rejected?

If your application is rejected, don’t be discouraged. Seek feedback if available, and use it to improve future applications. Consider applying again in the next cycle or exploring other grant opportunities that may be a better fit for your research.

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